Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Silly Papa

  Joe has been singing songs and making up songs to "sing-song" while he is doing just about anything.  For example, yesterday as he got in the car on the way to church, he sang "Jin-gle Bells, Jin-gle Bells, there's a fountain flowing jingle bells"   So, you never know what he'll sing about.

  Today, he came running around the corner of the house (with a short stick in his hand that he was waving around)...and I heard him singing over and over "silly papa, silly papa..." And it had a sing-song rhythm and flow to it...which is what made it even more interesting and humorous.  But then I realized why he was singing this...I remembered Jack had just driven the tractor up to the back of the house to try to nail down the roof tarp...and he was standing in the bucket scoop of the tractor to reach it. Joe had just seen this...and thought it "silly", I guess! :)

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