Monday, January 30, 2012

Random but noteworthy events lately...

  As we were working on the house the other day, the whole family was participating and present.  So, Josh was pulling off a part of the framework that he had wrestled free.  After glancing to see where Eric was on the tractor and looking to see that Jake was stopped nearby (like 15-20 yards away), Josh gave a final yank to free the framework from the house.  As it came falling down, lo and behold, Jake came running full speed through the area and managed to time his location exactly with that of the falling wall...which caused him to get tackled by the wall and end up with his head through the drywall.  Not very funny at the time (since my first thought was nails that might be sticking out...followed by a thousand other split second fears).  However, now as I type this and replay the situation in my mind, it is rather hilarious actually....b/c how exactly could a child go from zero to a dead sprint and end up at the only dangerous spot in the area...and (as Jack later put it) run through a wall...and walk away with only a bruised nose?   Even Eric commented that he glanced from the tractor and saw Jake standing still, glanced away, and glanced back in the direction of Jake again (when he was in a dead sprint) at the only moment Eric couldn't do a thing except watch Jake get hit by and knocked down by the falling wall.  Amazing! Glad it turned out as it did and we can laugh about it...

  Last week, we were walking toward the hospital entrance to see Josh's cousin (Melissa and her husband, Josh). They had their firstborn baby girl and the boys were eager to see the new baby.  As we walked, Joe asked, "Is the doctor taking off the baby's belly button?"  Now, my first thought was "hmmm, wonder if Joe has some scarred memory of his own on that" and then I thought "wonder what all has gone through his mind to put together that thought!"  Funny things kids say and you can't help but wonder (and want to further ask) how in the world they arrived at that thought! :)


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