Thursday, January 19, 2012

Double take

So...usually the phrase "double take" means you look twice.  Well, if I posted a picture, you would probably do a double take at the double take.   Two raccoons, that is.  Yes, today brought Team Hawkins to a score of 4 while the raccoons are really starting to take a loss at zero.  Jack has the 3 that have been shot lined up on the outdoor stove brick wall.  Kind of a funny sight!  He joking claimed that yesterday he thought about skinning the one for a coon hat, but now there's almost enough for the whole family!
  Josh and Jack can obviously tell the story from today with a lot more enthusiasm.  But I'll keep it short and to the point since there is so much one can't understand with locations in the house right now.  However, the Lord has blessed us with the neighbors' dog (a family that goes to our church).  Their dog returned again today...and easily, quickly with very focused effort tracked each coon separately, but accurately.    
  The poor dog climbed into some odd and not so comfortable places where it couldn't quite get to the coon (b/c of gaping openings in the ceiling where plaster has been pulled--the dog couldn't leap the area to land on anything to get to the coon). But when Jack tried to coax the dog down (thinking he was stuck and barking for help...before realizing there actually was a coon), the dog got a mean growl at Jack.
  So, Josh climbed the ladder and spotted the fur ball...who was running out of places to go.  At this point, many parts of the ceiling plaster have been removed due to coon chasing events...and very little plaster on the ceilings remains.  Thus, there isn't much space for the coons to hide at this point.  And if the dog hadn't barked a trail to the first coon today, Jack would have had a coon coming down on him as he pulled ceiling plaster shortly anyway. 
  So later, the dog started its intense barking again above the kitchen ceiling.  Jack looked at Josh and they quickly agreed that based on the dog's previous behavior, they would have to chase this coon down or else Jack and Josh wouldn't be able to get the dog out of the house today. So, they set out to tear apart parts of the kitchen...removing escape routes and cornering the coon based on where the dog seemed to be barking/indicating the coon was.  Jack had removed some of the bulk head and looked expecting to see the coon, but couldn't find it.  Just as he glanced down to get down he saw to ears sticking up.  The coon was shrunk down between the 2 x 4's with only its ears showing.  Josh gave it a shot to the head...and that was that.
  The dog was delighted at the catches.  And Josh has been giving it marshmallows as a treat!  Josh has affectionately named the dog Buddy.  Jake wants to call it Hunter and Joe named it stoplight (we were heading toward a stoplight as we were discussing what we could name the of course...stoplight!)

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