Saturday, January 7, 2012

Trains, trains, trains...

  This past week had an exciting moment when we came to the train track near the Soup Kitchen in Greensburg and a real, live, working train passed in front of us carrying Honda cars to Cincy.  The boys were so excited to watch and to see it...after hearing train whistles often while we're in town, but never seeing a real train!

  On Saturday, the boys and I had a busy day.  We headed to Home Depot in Greenwood to make a savings shed bank.  Joe was so disappointed that we didn't stay to paint it.  But both boys did a great job hammering the stuff in by themselves.
  After a few other stops (mom's stuff), we headed to the Indiana State Fairgrounds building to a huge Expo with trains, train displays, and train exhibitors.  Boy was there a lot to look at.  The boys were in heaven for the next 3 hours as we went from place to place looking at all kinds of trains and models and layouts. 
  The favorite model...two Lego layouts.  They were so neat to see. I can't even begin to describe the creative detail...all built with Legos.  We spent quite awhile there looking at details.  Next year, I think I'll bring a portable step stool.  It was tough to hold Joe and try to help Jake see, too.  But they were good sports about it and we got to see more than we could have imagined.  ...Even Mr. Spitler!

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