Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A breath of fresh air...

  As we continue to adjust to the climate, I realize just how much time we were able to spend outdoors in Tennessee.  The wind really creates a cooler climate here.  So, I look forward to seeing how we can "beat the wind" in our new yard since the barn and the woods will offer relief from the wind.
  But until we are in our new house, we are thankful for the mild winter this year...especially the last couple of days.  We have been able to get outdoors for long periods of time and not freeze! :)  We've welcomed time at 2 playgrounds and also have done a little roller skating/blading!


  1. roller skates! that first picture is priceless ("what in the world are these things??")

  2. I know...that's why I had to throw it in the blog!

    As a side note, (since you can't tell possibly from the picture) Jake's skates actually slowly convert to roller blades. The center wheel slides L-R so you can keep it out farther to the side and then slowly bring it in line with the front and back wheel as Jake gets used to balancing. I'm pretty sure I could have used a set of these myself! :)
